The Purpose of this group is to improve communication between the surgery and our patients, and help the practice tailor services towards the needs of our patients. We feel this channel of communication between practice staff and patients will help break down barriers and enable sharing of information.
Our Patient Participation Group (PPG) is made up of a group of volunteer patients and practice staff. we communicate via email, meetings and inviting you to take part in a survey and perhaps just some simple questions occasionally, to share your ideas on how our services could be run and improved upon. These improvements can be made for the benefit of the patients and the practice. You will also gain a better understanding of the practice and our staff. You will receive a regular Newsletter with latest surgery news, NHS updates and health and wellbeing advice and you will always be the first to know about information of interest.
Since starting our PPG, using your email comments, survey outcomes and suggestions we have:
- Increased the leaflets available on health, lifestyle and diet available at all time in our waiting area for patients
- implemented the use of text messaging to patients with reminders for booked appointments. (this will hopefully reduce DNA rates, therefore increasing access to practice)
- Used publicity in the waiting area and by letters to patients to reduce the number of DNA’s (Did Not Attend)
If you are interested in joining the Patient Participation Group, please contact reception.